Sale Sale Sale…

Article published at: Jul 7, 2008 Article author: thepinklocket Article tag: Accessories
All The Pink Locket

fancy-hoops charm-me get-me-beaded chunky-beads

This weekend I had the honor of speaking to a few of my fellow Pink Locket shoppers, who have expressed interest in purchasing more fabulous jewelry pieces.  I understand that this economy has us all going nuts!  And it just seems that we can’t get a deal anywhere we turn…especially at the gas pump! 


Beginning this Friday, July 11th The Pink Locket will be marking down its older jewelry items.  Bracelets, Necklaces, Earrings and the fabulous cluster “ring” will all be marked down anywhere from 15%-50%.  The sale will run until July 23rd or until the entire sale items are sold.  For those Pink Locketeers who missed our summer kick-off sale last month, here’s your chance to get those fabulous pieces at a discounted price.


Until then SHOP PINK!

~Kamilah C.

