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- Article author: thepinklocket
- Article tag: Holiday
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As a fellow Etsian myself I know what a challenge it is getting your shop’s name out there and drive traffic to your store. Last week I did a blog entry on jewelry boxes and instead of looking for an already established business that sells jewelry boxes I found a fellow Etsian and feature their shop in my blog entry. Well, I’ve decided to keep that going, beginning next week I will be posting an article on my blog featuring a piece from an Etsy store as one of my blog entries for that week. I figure it’s a great way to help us promote each other and extend our customer and network base. So if you have an Etsy shop and would like to be featured on The Pink Locket blog, email me your name and Etsy store name.
By: Kamilah C. http://thepinklocket.com
Kamilah C.