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I found some great reads this week and decided to share. Some may give tips others may jog your brain for ideas, but either way it’ll get you thinking. Here are some posts definitely worth checking out.
1. What exactly is Kickstarter? And how does it work? You mean I can get my idea funded? Check out this great way to fund projects or get yours funded.
2. What are you REALLY selling? We all have a product or service that we’re selling, but lets get down to the real nitty gritty, what’s going to make you different? Check out this post from CraftMBA .
3. Define a “good” deed. Check out this model of “paying what you can.” Some may say this idea is great, others may disagree, but it’s all for the greater good.
4. So you have a Facebook page and you have some “Likes” now what or maybe you think having a Facebook page is a complete waste of time…hmmm…you may want to see how these Facebook features can HELP you.
5. Okay so your Tweeting every day and talking to your Tweeps. Is that all? Like Facebook, you might think this is a waste of time because you aren’t seeing “results.” Well this should be your NEXT stop…