Cute and Preggers

Article published at: Jul 21, 2011 Article author: thepinklocket Article tag: dresses
All The Pink Locket

I will be the first to tell you that being pregnant during these summer months has been a challenge.  Besides for dealing with being hot all the time, as my bump gets bigger my wardrobe options are dwindling–in my closet that is.  However, just because your expecting doesn’t mean you can’t look beautiful.  Here are some wonderful maternity and non-maternity (yes that’s right you don’t need to buy every article of clothing labeled maternity) styles that I’ve used this summer that have been helpful

Cami's like this work with every outfit, just buy plenty one size larger

Maxi dresses are the best since they have that high waist, leaving room for your belly


This maternity dress will give you style and room, plus it doesn't look "maternity"

This skirt provides room in the waist and has such a dainty and cute look.

A cute way to show off that sexy bump!

Shoes that are too flat tend to add to foot swelling, so I need a little heel--these are a cute and stylish option

These are also an option if you want heels that are not too high
