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Pick Your Personality and Your Spring Color is Revealed
Spring is almost here! Excited yet? Check out our new Springtime Studs collection on sale at our Shop Lately storefront until Friday, March 8. Having trouble choosing a color? Don’t worry check out our personality color assessment below!
Approachable and Friendly
Dusk Blue is your color. You possess a sense of tranquility and softness, people may even find you understanding. The perfect stud earrings for you would be our Light Blue & Bronzed Posts
Renewed and Restored
Tender Shoots is your color of choice this spring. You may even be a nature lover or very family oriented. Generosity and kindness come first nature to you and you don’t even realize it. Our perfect spring choice of earrings are the Gold and Green Quartz Studs orGreenies Fabric Triangles
Joyful and Energetic
Lemon Zest is perfect for you! You have an amazing intellect and happiness that is contagious. You even evoke cheerful and pleasant feelings of those around you. Our choices of earrings for you are either our Teardrop Beaded Hoops or Yellow Jade Sterling Silver Studs
Nurturing and Unconditionally Loving
Linen is your color this spring! You have an aura that is comforting and inspiring, almost like an “everything is going to be ok” feeling about you. Our studs choices for you are Light Pink and Bronze Translucent or Linen Pink and Gold Wrapped Posts
Strength, Determination & Passion
Poppy Red should be in your spring closet. You possess major courage and willpower. Living on the edge and taking risks are what you live for! You also have a strong sense of energy. The perfect earrings match for you would be our Ruby Red and Gold Quartz .
Growth, Balance & Healing
Emerald is your springtime color. You’re very calming and have inner peace, as a matter of fact you’re a prime example of humility. We may not have a pair of earrings for you with this color, but we do have an amazing ring called Urban Grass .
Spontaneous and Positive
Hope Nectarine is on your list of colors this season. Optimism and positively spirited are two words to describe you! You excel at keeping others around you motivated. We have two perfect choices for you, Orangello and Tangerine
Trustworthy and Peaceful
Monaco Blue is your springtime go to color. People can rest assure that you’ll keep their secrets, however, you have no hesitation being honest with them. You have an inner security and confidence that others secretly crave for! Our Cobalt Blue and Gold Studs were made especially for you!
Imaginative and Deep Thinker
African Violet is your spring color. You seek the meaning of spiritual fulfillment. Having a philosopher’s mindset, you also possess an unconditional and selfless love. You’ll probably love our Purple Glass and Bronze Studs .
Generosity of Spirit
Grayed Jade is your color for the spring. You give without expecting anything in return. You also have a sense of worldly wisdom and understanding. Our Grayed Jade and Gold Studs are a perfect earring choice for you.