Gift Ideas : Personalized Jewelry & Wine Accessories

Article published at: Jan 29, 2015 Article author: thepinklocket Article tag: chocolate
All The Pink Locket

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Valentine’s Day is a great time to give a gift that’s personalized.  Personalized jewelry are great options for both men and women.  Personally, I love designing personalized jewelry pieces for my customers.  It gives me honor to be a part of a process that is sentimental to a fellow customer.  You want to know a secret?  Sometimes I’ll design 2 custom pieces for an order just to see which one I like better before shipping it to my customer.  I want to make sure that it’s a perfect fit.

This Valentine’s Day give your loved one a gift that he/she will remember.  Some of my customer favorites are personalized cuff links and necklaces .  Here are some other personalized gift ideas.  What gift would you love to receive this Valentine’s Day?  Drop me a comment!  Be sure to subscribe to my list for more wonderful updates on my designs and DIY style tips.

Personalized Wine For Valentine

