Make It Monday: Make Time For Yourself

Article published at: Aug 24, 2015 Article author: thepinklocket Article tag: 5 ways
All The Pink Locket

Make Time

Today’s Make It Monday is a bit different.  It’s nothing crafty or stylish (although it could be), but it’s something we need to remember to do regularly.  I personally didn’t realize the importance of this until recently.  We become so consumed with daily activities and responsibilities that we forget that every now and then we need to stop and take some time back for ourselves.  Here are 5 things you can do when you take a time out for yourself.

  1. Go for a walk.  Take in the scenery, smile at a stranger or whistle while you walk.

walking in city

2. Take up yoga.  This has to be one of the best ways to de-stress and center your mind.




3. Grab a cup of your favorite coffee.  I’m a coffee lover and I love walking into a coffee shop and smelling freshly brewed coffee.

grab coffee

4. Get lost in a bookstore.

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5. Learn to play an instrumentplaying guitar

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