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Some may say that the two words don’t go together. Well, I think others as well as myself would stand to disagree with the nay sayers. This past holiday season we saw many stores giving steal bargains on great apparel pieces. When I found out just how much retail stores mark up their merchandise I vowed that I would never pay full retail price for an article of clothing ever again—of course there may be a few exceptionsJ Here are some great places to find chic and cheap bargains:
1. Planet Lulu is a great site to find designer jeans. They have online sample sales several times a month and will email you when there’s an upcoming sale. www.planetlulu.com
2. Plato’s Closet is an excellent place to consign your clothes, accessories and shoes. They also have amazing steals on consignment apparel. www.platoscloset.com
3. Blue Fly is also a great site. Most of their items may be a bit pricey, but their sales are usually great. www.bluefly.com
4. Let’s not forget Marshall’s, TJMaxx and Loehmanns. You may need to sift through some stuff, but you can generally find nice steals.
Happy Shopping!
By: Kamilah C.
The Pink Locket